
Premium 100% Kona Coffee - (Ground)

100% of 100
*Prices are good for Internet, Mail Order, and our Hilo Store

Our 100% Kona coffee is smooth bodied with a heavenly aroma. We vacuum pack our coffee to preserve the freshness. Available in all purpose grind only.

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  1. Kona Coffee
    I was on the Big Island visiting family. Went to Big Island Candies, was very impressed and tasted lots of cookies, candies and coffee. Sent home some gifts. Now that I am home, I have ordered some Kona coffee for a friend. The best cookies, candies and coffee I ever tasted.
  2. The best!
    After visiting Hawaii 5 years ago - this Kona coffee is THE BEST (the shortbread is out of sight too!!!!! AND AMAZINGLY - It take only TWO days to ship to New York! Thank you!
    Patti Stange
  3. Awesome tasting
    This is the best coffee I have ever had or have....

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